Frustrated Newbie - Help with Nodes and Sensors
@jkandasa Thanks.
I disabled the MyController Gateway, then commented out the debug line on the sketch via IDE. and uploaded the sketch the the MySensors gateway @ COM5. Closed the IDE and restarted enabled the MyController Gateway --- but now one node is down while the Gateway connected successfully. -
This is what ot looks like now...
@emenike Seems all ok in MyController side.
Can you check your sprinkler node powered up and in RF coverage? -
Hi All,
Sorry was out for a couple of days...,
jkandasa is right, as an addition you can also add the debug stuff to you sketch and hook it up to your laptop to see the debugging stuff from the sensor perspective...If the sensor is out of range of you gateway you have some options to fix it:
you can put a repeater node in the middle between the sensor and the gateway to extend the range of your network
check your radio, exchange it for another one to rule out any radio hardware issues. (some of the radios have issues... especially the Nrf24l01 radios with the round black blob instead of a chip... believe me, I have been there and the range was approx 1.5 meters.....)
If you use the Nrf24l01, add the capacitor to the power line of the radio (tought this was a 47uf capacitor), this will also improve communication (make sure you add this on the sensor and the gateway radio!)
Can be an issue, can you try if you see the node if it is basically next to your gateway?
@tag Okay I will move them closer until I conclude with all the bugs, then I will move them apart and see if distance is the issue
by the way... is This project in this video a MySensors Gateway or something entirely new?
Okay, great!,
Had a look at the link you send, it looks like mysensors, but it is something different... -
This bit is wrong in your gateway sketch.....
// Define a lower baud rate for Arduinos running on 8 MHz (Arduino Pro Mini 3.3V & SenseBender) #if F_CPU == 8000000L //#define MY_BAUD_RATE 38400 #define MY_BAUD_RATE 115200 #endif
The baud rate in the if statement should be 38400 as it says in the line above it.
It won't matter if you are using a 5V arduino, but if you were to use a 3.3V one this would be a big problem.
Make sure that the same baudrate is used in the gateway sketch and mycontroller.....
but that was exactly how it was until you said to change 38400 …. but it connected alright after | changed to 38400 and brought the node next to the laptop.
@emenike said in Frustrated Newbie - Help with Nodes and Sensors:
Please note that I am using a Nano for my gate way...
I thought the baud rate should be the same for Arduino and the Putty sniffer, I will revert to "38400"...That part of the gateway sketch is an 'If' statement. It just tells the compilier that 'if' the board is a 3.3v 8MHz type, then reduce the baud rate to match. 8MHz boards are not reliable at 115200.
Okay so if I understand correctly, all works if the nodes are basically next to each other... is that correct?
@tag Yes! All works well when they are next to each other on the same desk.
I have reverted the default baud rate and all is well. I have gone ahead to create Triggers and Conditions, Schedules, Actions, etc. But I somehow can not seem to tie all up to do what I want.I want to do a whole lot of things, but lets start with the first one. I need to pull in time and date from the controller to my node. How do I do this? Can I have a simple example that shows the steps or syntax and I will try to do other stuff. The Mysensors node uses a project that pulls data from Weather Underground, which I learnt has stopped its free weather information services. I have researched the topic and found a likely alternative in Open Weather Service) . Is anyone using Open Weather?
- I need to create Actions (or triggers that target all 8 objects from my node and set them all "on".
- I need to create another action trigger that targets all 8 objects and sets them to "off"
- I need to create an action trigger cycles through each value on the node and turn them on for a duration I have a variable in the Controller on each value to determine how long each one will run. Its a whole lot, and it appears I may have bitten off more than I can chew.
To receive time in your node, you have to call
from your node, then you will receive time on the following function(add this in your node code),void receiveTime(unsigned long _timestamp){ // do actions with received time }
- Regards Wunderground: I have added details in looks like they will give some access for personal use.
- Regards Open weather, we do not have any direct support, however, you may use a script to collect data.
I need to create Actions (or triggers that target all 8 objects from my node and set them all "on".
You need to create 8 Operations for each object.
Send payload
operation with1
(ON), Add all of them in a rule. define your condition in the rule.I need to create another action trigger that targets all 8 objects and sets them to "off"
You need to create 8 Operations for each object.
Send payload
operation with0
(OFF), Add all of them in a rule. define your condition in the rule.I need to create an action trigger cycles through each value on the node and turn them on for a duration I have a variable in the Controller on each value to determine how long each one will run. Its a whole lot, and it appears I may have bitten off more than I can chew.
Seems this is complex, we may not easy by simple rule definition/timer. A script will be a good solution for this.
Some of the discussions, -
Thanks @jkandasa you are awesome support. I see the requestTime() function call in the sketch, but where in MyController do I add the node code?
void receiveTime(unsigned long _timestamp){ // do actions with received time }
I have created the UID Tags... See below, did I do it right?
I then tried to create the JS script as described in your old reference you supplied... but I got an error.
What are I doing wrong?
I see the requestTime() function call in the sketch, but where in MyController do I add the node code?
This code needs to be added to your MySensors node sketch, the example in your sprinkler sketch.
Nothing to do with MyController to receive timestamp. -
@Emenike said in Frustrated Newbie - Help with Nodes and Sensors:
I then tried to create the JS script as described in your old reference you supplied... but I got an error.
Did you modify the script? If yes, can you post your script?
If not, you have to create all the UID,
is not available in your UID's list alsoValue 1
is different thenvalue01