Override node names
I have a bunch of generic temperature sensors placed around the house. When they get added to MyController, it picks the name that the sensors present themselves with during first boot, e.g "Temperature Sensor" (so the name is not really a name, it's more a type identifier). I can then edit this name to something more suitable, e.g "Kitchen". However, when the sensor restarts the next time, the name jumps back to the name that the sketch sends out. Is it possible to let MyController remember my name edits? -
Where do you change the name?
I have several sensors and each have their own unique name, and it works like a charm for me...
resources --> Sensors --> (click at the end of the sensor line the blue > sign) --> click edit
Change the sensor name
Click save
For me the version of mysensors listed below is used:
MyController Version 0.0.3.Final-SNAPSHOT Database schema revision 1.03.05 - 2016 Nov 18 Database type H2 database embedded Database version 1.4.193 (2016-10-31) Git commit:branch 44d893ac3c52a974165f7c1ef6c3c0520d09a48d:development Built on 2017-02-20T23:44:20+0530 Build JDK 1.8.0_121 Build tool Apache Maven 3.3.9 Java virtual machine specification VM vendor Oracle Corporation VM name Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM VM version 1.8.0_131-b11 Java home /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/jre Operating system Operating system Linux Architecture arm Version/Kernel 3.4.113-sun8i Location /opt/mycontroller/
Hi! I have the same issue here. Should the sensor name stay the same even after the reboot of a sensor?
How does this work? Where is this information stored? How does mycontroller recognize a sensor and detect that it already knows it? Does the sensor have some unique key? Is the name stored on the sensor itself? Is there a unique key that gets written to the Arduino (I don't know if this would be possible)? Where should I search for the cause of this issue?
I opened up a new thread for my issues...