Works great now! Thank you for your support!
RE: PIR Motion Detection rules
RE: PIR Motion Detection rules
Many thanks. Now I'm getting further, however point 4 never fires when dampening active for x minutes. This is a RFLink 433Mhz PIR which is mapped as Status ON/OFF, but I guess it doesn't matter. Thanks!
PIR Motion Detection rules
I want a PIR sensor to trigger a few actions to light up selected groups, but only if some other sensor shows that it is actually dark outside. And when PIR sensor sends no motion state I want to delay 1minute before turn off selected groups, but only if it is dark/sun is down.
I'm guessing this should be fairly simple but no matter how I try to combine Rules/Timers/Operations I cannot get it to work.
Also, what is the function of "Delay" in Operations? Is there a delay before payload is sent or after? What is the purpose? :trollface:
RE: Setting Time Zone
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ java -version
java version "1.8.0_65"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_65-b17)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 25.65-b01, mixed mode)The latest oracle-java8-jdk for Raspbian Jessie.
RE: Setting Time Zone
Also looking for a solution for this. Mine is stuck at "CEST (+0200)" and is actually one hour ahead. Very annoying.
RE: Custom widget
@jkandasa said:
Solution was little more complicated:
<div id="wrapper" style="text-align: center"> <canvas id="my-gauge-${uuid}" style="display: inline-block;"></canvas> <div style="font-size:21px" id="textfield--${uuid}"></div> </div> <script> var CustomTextRenderer = function(el){ this.el = el; this.render = function(gauge) { this.el.innerHTML = gauge.displayedValue.toPrecision(3); } } CustomTextRenderer.prototype = new TextRenderer(); var cs = new CustomTextRenderer(document.getElementById("textfield--${uuid}")); var opts = { lines: 32, angle: 0, lineWidth: 0.24, pointer: { length: 0.9, strokeWidth: 0.035, color: '#000066' }, limitMax: 'false', percentColors: [[0.0, "#2B31CF" ], [0.60, "#37CF32"], [1.0, "#ff0000"]], strokeColor: '#E0E0E0', generateGradient: true }; var target = document.getElementById('my-gauge-${uuid}'); var gauge = new Gauge(target).setOptions(opts); gauge.animationSpeed = 3; gauge.maxValue = 40.0; gauge.setMinValue(-30.0); gauge.setTextField(new CustomTextRenderer(document.getElementById("textfield--${uuid}"))) gauge.set(${temperatureSen.value}); </script>
RE: Custom widget
Nope, Gauge handles decimals and negative values just fine. See here: -
RE: Custom widget
Thanks for showing this. It makes it very versatile. However for the Temperature example above, how do I get all decimals? I'd like the Temperature to show for example "23.45°C"
Widgets for controlling nodes
I found the ON/OFF switch for sensors tagged with type Status. Are there more of these? For example percent slider for dimmer? Really awkvard to enter value by keyboard. Please advice.
RE: MQTT sensors support?
Wonderful, now things are a bit easier. Just need to use expected MQTT Topic format. I have debugging set to TRACE level, so I should be to see any messages received by the MyController broker and client?
RE: MQTT sensors support?
Ok, great! How do I subscribe to them, inside MyController? What is the MySensor format?
Any documentation available? -
MQTT sensors support?
I'm publishing sensor data from another source to MyController MQTT broker. But I cannot see them in MyController? I like to be able to use them as normal MySensors variables. What am I missing here? Do I need to use any special topic?
RE: RFLink support (433Mhz)
Have you been able to check the RFLink Gateway page? I really love what you have done for MySensors, if I only could migrate my 433Mhz setup to your solution. That would be awsome! I can help anyway I can, I'm a C-programmer with an electronics degree. Also have a lot spare time for testing
RE: RFLink support (433Mhz)
Please see the link in my original post. The complete protocol is there. Not as complicated as MySensors. Should be a fairly easy task.
RFLink support (433Mhz)
Is there any development going on to support the RFLink serial gateway? It should be fairly straightforward. More information is available here
Or maybe I can get a pointer as where to start adding support, could be nice project