@jkandasa your support is outstanding
your example works good and i can use it to build a dashboard to my needs. thank you very very much.
the reason it took me so long to respond is, that i needed to trace a startup error on my end:
[$injector:nomod] Module 'rzModule' is not available! You either misspelled the module name or forgot to load it. If registering a module ensure that you specify the dependencies as the second argument.
- dashboard not loading correctly ({{ variable }} everywhere, nothing works)
- angular throwing error about undefined module
- testing with dev-console on firefox
yielded no error. - rzslider.js was actually loaded
- firefox does not support
<link rel="import">
- the polyfill i pushed to github fb3d0d96 is working but:
- too late.
so the polyfill for the import-feature is working, as i am able to load the rzModule after the dashboard html loaded completely and angular tried to load.
but it is not working fast enough.
i am currently trying to find a way to either delay angular startup until all imports are handled or to find a better way to include the /_configurations/additional-headers.html
current workaround: put <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/angularjs-slider/6.6.1/rzslider.js"></script>
directly into index.html for firefox
html imports are also deprecated in chrome since v70 and will be removed with v73 which is only two versions from now (v71 as of this writing). see: chrome platform status