ESP8266 - analogRead(A0) return 65535
In fact i don't really know where i have to post ... what is your suggest about it ?
Thanks -
@Stephan35 If you see any issues and do you think it is bug? Please raise it on GitHub. If you queries please raise it here.
In fact To be fair, for now I am not able to judge if this is a bug or not, so I will not post anymore on github. -
Can you show your exact working example?
@njbuch said:
Can you show your exact working example?
Here is my full example :
#include <MyController.h> MyController mc; #define SENSOR_LED_BLEU "LED BLEU" #define SENSOR_LED_ROUGE "LED ROUGE" #define SENSOR_LED_VERTE "LED VERTE" #define SENSOR_LUXMETRE "LUXMETRE" #define BP_GPIO4 "Bouton RESET" #define BP_GPIO5 "Bouton Test 1" #define BP_GPIO14 "Bouton Test 2" //Relay pins #define PIN_RELAY_1 2 #define PIN_BP_GPIO4 4 #define PIN_BP_GPIO5 5 #define PIN_LED_VERTE 12 #define PIN_LED_BLEU 13 #define PIN_BP_GPIO14 14 #define PIN_LED_ROUGE 15 //Sensors #define SENSOR_RELAY_1 "relay-1" unsigned long lastRecu = 0; bool Gpio5_Checked = false; bool Gpio14_Checked = false; unsigned long Gpio5_millis = 0; unsigned long Gpio14_millis = 0; unsigned long Scan_Gpio = 0; int Gpio4_S = 0; // Gpio 4 state int Gpio5_S = 0; // Gpio 5 state int Gpio14_S = 0; // Gpio 14 state int Gpio4_LS = 0; // Gpio 4 Last state int Gpio5_LS = 0; // Gpio 5 Last state int Gpio14_LS = 0; // Gpio 14 Last state //in_esp/ESP_8C0125/LUXMETRE/C_SET/V_LIGHT_LEVEL/0 //n_esp/ESP_8C0125/LUXMETRE/C_SET/V_LEVEL/0 //out_esp/ESP_8C0125/SENSOR_BC/C_INTERNAL/LUXMETRE/0 //_message.update(BC_SENSOR, C_INTERNAL, SENSOR_LUXMETRE); void sendLUX(){ McMessage _message; //_message.update(SENSOR_LUXMETRE, C_SET, "V_LIGHT_LEVEL"); //char _luxmeter[21]; // snprintf_P(_luxmeter, 20, "%s", analogRead(A0) ); Serial.print("Envoie de Luxmeter:"); Serial.println(analogRead(A0)); //snprintf_P(_luxmeter, 20, "%d", String(analogRead(A0))); ////send(_message.set(_luxmeter)); _message.update(SENSOR_LUXMETRE, C_SET, V_LEVEL); //snprintf_P(_luxmeter, 20, "%d", analogRead(A0)); send(_message.set(analogRead(A0))); } //in_esp/ESP_8C0125/Bouton Test/C_SET/V_TRIPPED/0 /* void sendPin5(){ McMessage _message; _message.update(BP_GPIO5, C_SET, V_TRIPPED); if (digitalRead(PIN_BP_GPIO5) == HIGH){ send(_message.set(1)); Serial.println("BP = 1"); } if (digitalRead(PIN_BP_GPIO5) == LOW){ send(_message.set(0)); Serial.println("BP = 0"); } } void sendPin14(){ McMessage _message; _message.update(BP_GPIO14, C_SET, V_TRIPPED); if (digitalRead(PIN_BP_GPIO14) == HIGH){ send(_message.set(1)); Serial.println("BP2 = 1"); } if (digitalRead(PIN_BP_GPIO14) == LOW){ send(_message.set(0)); Serial.println("BP2 = 0"); } } */ void sendPin4(int val){ McMessage _message; _message.update(BP_GPIO4, C_SET, V_STATUS); send(_message.set(val)); Serial.print("Changement de Pin4 : "); Serial.println(val); } void sendPin5(int val){ McMessage _message; _message.update(BP_GPIO5, C_SET, V_STATUS); send(_message.set(val)); Serial.print("Changement de Pin5 : "); Serial.println(val); } void sendPin14(int val){ McMessage _message; _message.update(BP_GPIO14, C_SET, V_STATUS); send(_message.set(val)); Serial.print("Changement de Pin14 : "); Serial.println(val); } /* void Pin5Change(){ if (millis() - Gpio5_millis > 75){ delayMicroseconds(32000); Serial.println("\n*** Pin5 Interrupt"); Gpio5_Checked = true; Gpio5_millis = millis(); detachInterrupt(PIN_BP_GPIO5); } } void Pin14Change(){ if (millis() - Gpio14_millis > 75){ delayMicroseconds(32000); Serial.println("\n*** Pin14 Interrupt"); Gpio14_Checked = true; Gpio14_millis = millis(); detachInterrupt(PIN_BP_GPIO14); } } */ void before(){ //Your code before this library inialize } void presentation(){ //Send node name and version information sendSketchInfo("Module de test", "1.0.0"); //Send sensor name and type present(S_BINARY, SENSOR_RELAY_1, "Relay 01"); //request current status request(SENSOR_RELAY_1, V_STATUS); present(S_BINARY, SENSOR_LED_BLEU, SENSOR_LED_BLEU); //request current status request(SENSOR_LED_BLEU, V_STATUS); present(S_BINARY, SENSOR_LED_ROUGE, SENSOR_LED_ROUGE); //request current status request(SENSOR_LED_ROUGE, V_STATUS); present(S_BINARY, SENSOR_LED_VERTE, SENSOR_LED_VERTE); //request current status request(SENSOR_LED_VERTE, V_STATUS); //present(S_LIGHT, SENSOR_LUXMETRE, SENSOR_LUXMETRE); //request(SENSOR_LUXMETRE, "V_LIGHT_LEVEL"); present(S_DIMMER, BP_GPIO4, BP_GPIO4); request(BP_GPIO4, V_STATUS); present(S_DOOR, BP_GPIO5, BP_GPIO5); request(BP_GPIO5, V_STATUS); present(S_DOOR, BP_GPIO14, BP_GPIO14); request(BP_GPIO14, V_STATUS); } void receiveTime(unsigned long mcTimestamp){ //Do something with received time } void receive(McMessage &message) { if(message.isSensorOf(SENSOR_RELAY_1) && message.isSubTypeOf(V_STATUS)){ digitalWrite(PIN_RELAY_1, message.getUInt()); } if(message.isSensorOf(SENSOR_LED_BLEU) && message.isSubTypeOf(V_STATUS)){ digitalWrite(PIN_LED_BLEU, message.getUInt()); } if(message.isSensorOf(SENSOR_LED_ROUGE) && message.isSubTypeOf(V_STATUS)){ digitalWrite(PIN_LED_ROUGE, message.getUInt()); } if(message.isSensorOf(SENSOR_LED_VERTE) && message.isSubTypeOf(V_STATUS)){ digitalWrite(PIN_LED_VERTE, message.getUInt()); } } void setup() { pinMode(A0, INPUT); pinMode(PIN_BP_GPIO4, INPUT); pinMode(PIN_BP_GPIO5, INPUT); pinMode(PIN_BP_GPIO14, INPUT); pinMode(PIN_RELAY_1, OUTPUT); pinMode(PIN_LED_BLEU, OUTPUT); pinMode(PIN_LED_ROUGE, OUTPUT); pinMode(PIN_LED_VERTE, OUTPUT); if(!isSystemConfigured()){ //You can check, does this node/device configured. If no you can display/blink some led from here. } //attachInterrupt(PIN_BP_GPIO5, (Pin5Change), CHANGE); //attachInterrupt(PIN_BP_GPIO14, (Pin14Change), CHANGE); //digitalPinToInterrupt(x) } void loop() { mc.loop(); long now = millis(); if (now - Scan_Gpio > 200 ){ Gpio4_S = digitalRead(PIN_BP_GPIO4); Gpio5_S = digitalRead(PIN_BP_GPIO5); Gpio14_S = digitalRead(PIN_BP_GPIO14); if (Gpio4_S != Gpio4_LS ){ sendPin4(((Gpio4_S == HIGH) ? 1 : 0)); Gpio4_LS = Gpio4_S; } if (Gpio5_S != Gpio5_LS ){ sendPin5(((Gpio5_S == HIGH) ? 1 : 0)); Gpio5_LS = Gpio5_S; } if (Gpio14_S != Gpio14_LS ){ sendPin14(((Gpio14_S == HIGH) ? 1 : 0)); Gpio14_LS = Gpio14_S; } Scan_Gpio = now; Serial.print("."); } /* if (Gpio5_Checked) { Gpio5_Checked = false; sendPin5(); yield(); attachInterrupt(PIN_BP_GPIO5, (Pin5Change), CHANGE); } if (Gpio14_Checked) { Gpio14_Checked = false; sendPin14(); yield(); attachInterrupt(PIN_BP_GPIO14, (Pin14Change), CHANGE); } */ //You can add your logic here. if (now - lastRecu > 30000 ) { lastRecu = now; //sendRSSI(); sendLUX(); //send(SENSOR_LUXMETRE, analogRead(A0)); } }
Take care of this : need to be improve , i am a beginer with MyController , and this example is not clean !
Hope will help you
Best regards.
Thanks will try out a variant of this!
@Stephan35 I dont see any presentation of the SENSOR_LUXMETRE it seems to have been removed from your code, why is that?
Do you have a light-color sensor? And what is the exact sensor-type? Do you have a link?
I have tried, and I am now realizing that the ADC on ESP8266 has a smaller voltage span at 0.0 - 1.0V.
I will need to adjust my voltage divider and retry, I am guessing thats why the reading keeps very high, because it never goes below 1.0V. Let us know what happens in your lab....
You have to adjust electonic input with a input divide voltage :
You will find full of example to explain how to.
A i tried to explain, my example need to be improve , tested, and modified as need.
Best regards.
@Stephan35 Indeed but my voltage divider used was aiming for 0.0 - 3.3 and resulting output was over 1 volt most of the time, which means that I am reading 65535 all the time. I need a new one.
I am looking in my bins after a few resistors that matches my photo-resistor specs. Will revert when successfull. I am using: to find the right combination.
@njbuch said:
@Stephan35 Indeed but my voltage divider used was aiming for 0.0 - 3.3 and resulting output was over 1 volt most of the time, which means that I am reading 65535 all the time. I need a new one.
I am looking in my bins after a few resistors that matches my photo-resistor specs. Will revert when successfull. I am using: to find the right combination.
answer is there : analogRead(A0) return 65535You have to modify Myconfig.h