Custom widget
mmmh now I'm getting a new error....
I do get the readings now, when I run the script, the gauge.min.js is accessible, just the gauge does not want to work, with the error above... Please anyone? I'm out of ideas
Hi all,
This problem is driving me insane, does anyone please have some advice on where to look for this problem?
Regards -
@esawyja looks like there is wrong mapping on template.
Can you change thistemperatureSen.sensorVariable.value
? -
Could we not just add this as a widget type, when you add new widget, have a entry for gauge?
That would be awesome instead of adding all this code? -
@esawyja Sure, I will add some of new widgets, when I get time. Thanks for the feedback.
Thanks so much!!
@jkandasa said:
var temperatureSen = mcApi.uidTag().getByUid("my-sensor-1").getResource();
Also faced this issue when i imported my database on a different node.
had to change the scripts to use the new variable....Gauges work now after changing the variables..
For the rest no issues found, all work like a charm!!!!
Thank you for the great support!!!
is there any reason for this, once I add the library ?
@fsgrazzutti Can you forcefully refresh your browser?
or you may have some syntax error. -
I found a typo in your example : https://<mycontrollerip>:8334/mylib/gauge.min.js
Using https://<mycontrollerip>:8443/mylib/gauge.min.js it works !Congratulations for MyController !
@fsgrazzutti Great catch! Thanks.