Auto update & upgrade your pi with MyController.
If you want to automate keeping your pi up-to-date then this little script may be for you.
Just copy and save it in a file (I called mine - but you can use whatever name you like!) and then use crontab -e to run the above named file whenever you want.
I tested it by daily running, but now it only runs once a week in the early hours of the morning.
#!/bin/sh export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive export DEBIAN_PRIORITY=critical sudo bash /home/mycontroller/bin/ sleep 15 sudo bash /home/mcagent/bin/ sleep 15 sudo -E apt-get -qy update sudo -E apt-get -qy -o "Dpkg::Options::=--force-confdef" -o "Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold" upgrade sudo -E apt-get -qy autoclean sudo reboot
Maybe some of you might even have improvements to suggest!
Cool!! great work!! :thumbs_up:
Think that the sleep can be replaced with a test if the script is still running. will have a look see what i can find.
Yeah, I thought about that but 'sleep' seems only to work with processes spawned within the script - or maybe I completely mis-understand it. I'm still learning a lot!
Well, looking at the start and stop scripts, there is a test that looks if mycontroller is running..
ps -ef | grep "org.mycontroller.standalone.StartApp" | grep -v grep | awk '{ print $2 }'
so you could test if the line above returns the pid of mycontroller. If a number (process id) is returned, mycontroller is running, if no data returned, mycontroller is down..
That's brilliant - Thank you!
McAgent is similar, so could work for both.....
I have to take Mum shopping today but will try this out in the script as soon as I can