@jkandasa I test the latest SNAPSHOT and it works like a charm !!!
Thanks a lot
RE: Grouped sensors graph
RE: Temperature MIN/MAX/AVG
Wonderful !!!
Option 1 works for me like a charm !Many thanks, MyController is the best
RE: Best Way to check Status of MySensors Sleeping Node
@jkandasa Ohhh wonderfull !
You are incredible !!Many Thanks ! I will test this when I have time
Tanks !!! -
RE: Grouped sensors graph
@jkandasa Ticket created !
Many thanks to you for spend time on our problems -
RE: Send Payload but NACK
Yes it's practically fixed with 2000ms
99% of payload are send and ACK, sometimes payload are NACK , I think it's my gateway (Raspberry Pi with NRF24L01+ on serial with mycontroller on it too)
So I still have a way of knowing if payload is ACK (other than show in Mysensors LOG ?)