So I am here again. It seems to be working again. Occasionally. But anyway, far better than any of the other controller I tried (not that that was much of a competition). Java is mentioned sometimes as a potential problem. I see that I have 1.8.0_65 and I think that is a current version. "Oracle" is referred to on many places but that name isn't found anywhere.
And then I built a MySensors gateway to connect to my RPi, really no big deal since I have been fiddling with Arduino for several years and happened to have both a Nano and a RF24 lying around. I wired things up and downloaded the sketch.
So I want to connect my gateway, plug it into the USB I guess, and then add it in MyController (and then add sensors that I am about to build). It is supposed to be detected automatically I think but it isn't. There isn't that nice little "actions" button. So I can click on "add gateway" beside the non existing "actions" button and now I get a multitude of choices of which I have no clue.
Enabled: Ticked by default. Seems like a good idea to enable things
Gateway name: ? I looked into the sketch if there is any variable or something. No clue
Tx message...: No clue. The pre selected 0 might do
Network type: MySensors
Type: Serial
Driver: ?
Port Name: ?
Baud rate: ?
Retry freq...: ?
So there I am. Going to bed again. My wife had a decent conversation with me on Saturday she says. But who am I to give up. I want to monitor the moisture level in my bathroom but starts to think that buying a small instrument with display and go into the bathroom and read it is far more efficient way.