@jkandasa now is fine. Thank you very much
RE: MyController V2.0 Error: Minified React error #31
Post Webhook Handler Error
Trying to schedule a pair of webhooks, to just understand their functioning, I presume to have encountered an error.
If you look a the following golang module:
and locate the Post function:// Post handler implementation func (c *WebhookClient) Post(data map[string]interface{}) error {
you can see that there is a loop on all the configured handler parameters. In my case I configured two:
but only one is executed because, after its inovocation, you can find this code:
if err != nil { zap.L().Error("error on webhook handler call", zap.Int("responseStatusCode", responseCode), zap.Error(err)) } return err
In my opinion the return statement should stay inside the curl brackets in this way:
if err != nil { zap.L().Error("error on webhook handler call", zap.Int("responseStatusCode", responseCode), zap.Error(err)) return err }
to avoid to return to parent function before finishing the loop.