I found a typo in your example : https://<mycontrollerip>:8334/mylib/gauge.min.js
Using https://<mycontrollerip>:8443/mylib/gauge.min.js it works !
Congratulations for MyController !
I found a typo in your example : https://<mycontrollerip>:8334/mylib/gauge.min.js
Using https://<mycontrollerip>:8443/mylib/gauge.min.js it works !
Congratulations for MyController !
@jkandasa I finally had the chance to test the SNAPSHOT and it works !
Now I have just to remember how to send the sensor states.
Thanks a lot !
not really, I sent a request and got 3 replies.
cause 1:
I discovered that OpenHab was enabled at the same time even if I removed the gateway from its things (just wanted to give it a try), so I just unistalled it and the problem disappeared.
For a while...
cause 2:
I was using MYSController for real time debugging of my sensors, but without enablig the "RX only" mode.
Once enabled the RX only mode, the problem disappeared completely.
So, there's nothing wrong with MyController, but rather a weird scenario caused by me.
Enabling ACK on both sensors and Mycontroller I could figure out what was going on.
So, false alarm, sorry !
I have some additional information.
I added a S_INFO child to the GPS sensor and sent the position as text. MyController gets confused again.
I suspected that the semicolon ; can generate confusion in the parser, so in the text information I changed the semicolon ; with a pipe | separator and the text is reported correctly.
@jkandasa thanks for your kind answer.
It's what I imagined.
My use case is: Recreational vehicle equipped with 15-20 nodes to monitor resources like air quality, water, batteries, power supplies and chargers, gas, temperature&humidity, gps, heading and inclination and so on.
So, it's a Smart Mobile Home !
I chose to build a display node just because the white background of the web interface does not fit really well (too much light during the night, annoying when you drive. But I would have avoided it if I only could since it's time and nerves consuming, and buy a couple of cheap tablets instead.
But since I am there, I'd like to keep on using it, so if we could increment it it would be super nice. The same applies to operations and to dashboard, since it'a hard to pick the proper sensor variable when you have about 200 sensor variables, and growing.
Thanks in advance and keep up the good work !
@jkandasa I am using nRF24L01. since the distance is short and there are no RF obstacles.
Most sensors are base on the Keywish RF-NANO, which is very convenient for non-battery supplied applications.
The serial gateway itself is just an RF-NANO plugged into the Raspberry Pii where MyController is running.
So far I've developed:
with RF-NANO
with ESP32+nRF
with Arduino Mega + nRF (maybe I'll migrate to ESP32 using WiFi)
Lights, relays, door locks and alarms to come.
@jkandasa it works !
it is a bit slower than before (30") but it does what I was missing.
Great job, thank you !
@jkandasa increasing the memory did it. thanks again !
@jkandasa I will give it a try to the snapshot, thanks !
@jkandasa today I installed the latest SNAPSHOT, but I wanted to start from a fresh configuration, so I did not restore any backup from the previous snapshot.
So far, looks like it is running much faster, and the sensors dropdown list is filled in a few seconds instead of minutes as before.
Great job ! Happy to be back with MyController !
I will still keep the actual solution for the display.
In this way the data from influxdb to the display doesn't go thought MyController. I added a second serial gateway(different channel and network ID) just for that scope, and so far just for date and time syncronisation.
@jkandasa sorry for the late reply.
I don't get any error, just the lists are empty.
Loading the Sensors subpage, it stays there forever.
it seems a database relate issue, maybe I have too many sensors reporting. (average duration is 20ms, 600 messages per minute.
In the meantime I just took a ESP32 and cyclic query in influx db all the sensors that the display expects, and then just forward node-to-node to the display (I use mysensors and nRF24 radio). Still a couple of variable casting problems on V_PERCENTAGE but it works.
Of course, I look forward to get back to Mycontroller
@jkandasa I just installed the last SNAPSHOT to the home server and restored the last backup and it works smoothly