I've used htop to list the processes.
I've changed the metric retention settings as follows:
Data: Double, Counter
Raw data 1 Minutes
One minute data 6 Hours
Five minutes data 10 Days
One hour data 90 Days
Six hours data 1 Years
Twelve hours data 5 Years
One day data 10 Years
Binary data 180 Days
GPS data 180 Days
I've got 4 nodes with 3 sensor values each (humidity, temperature, battery voltage) which send every 5 minutes to a MQTT gateway.
I've got no binary data.
The oldest data are three weeks old, the backup file is about 140kb.
I'm using the follwing java version as descirbed in this tutorial:
VM vendor Oracle Corporation
VM name Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM
VM version 1.8.0_151-b12
Java home /opt/jdk1.8.0_151/jre