Remote access to MCv2 Dashboard
My understanding is that I will be able to get my MC server setup to see it from any computer with a web browser. Is that correct? If so, how do I access the dashboard remotely to view the data?
I think I could use my IP address on port 8080 or 8443(secure), but my understanding of residential internet is that my internal IP is certainly not the same as my external IP address. How do I navigate to my server to view the dashboard from a machine somewhere else?
I plan to look into DDNS, but would love to hear from others if this is the best way to do this?
I was able to get my DDNS service to work through my residential router and a service it provided. I have setup port forwarding for port 8080 and am able to see my dashboard on my mobile device.
I am curious if the same will be needed for the MQTT nodes/gateways that will be setup at remote locations. Will I need to setup some port forwarding for those too?
I noticed that there is a place in the MySensor Gateway sketch that uses a url rather than an IP address and I assume I will simply use the DDNS username in the complete url with port number to link my gateways to my MQTT broker running in docker on the same RPi as my MC Server.
@wint0178 we have many options, one of them is, port forward required services as you mentioned in your router. you need separate entry for each service(MyController, MQTT broker, etc.,)
Some use reverse proxy. do one a port forward to your reverse proxy via 443 and 80, then do all other changes in your reverse proxy. Someof the famous reverse proxy servers are caddyserver, traefik, nginx, etc.,
@jkandasa Thank you for this reply, for now the port forwarding seems to be working, but this will give me other options to look into if this stops working for my implementation.
@wint0178 FWIW I run a local wireguard server on a pi (docker image) - works well and simple to set up! - As a bonus you get to all your local lan devices and service securely.
@skywatch I was able to setup several MQTT Gateways using NodeMCU boards with attached I2C sensors. The Gateways are all Wifi gateways, but I have been able to use my DDNS in place of the IP address to send data from several locations including one that is international. I think this is working well at this point. Thank you for your reply!