Control/display operations via script
To list operations on Dashboard.
var myImports = new JavaImporter(, java.lang, java.util); with(myImports) { var filters = new HashMap(); filters.put("orderBy", "name"); filters.put("order", "asc"); filters.put("pageLimit", new Long(10)); //Get operations data var operations = mcApi.operation().getAll(filters); }
<table class="table table-hover table-bordered table-striped mc-table"> <thead> <th>{{ 'STATUS' | translate }}</th> <th>{{ 'ID' | translate }}</th> <th>{{ 'NAME' | translate }}</th> <th>{{ 'OPERATION' | translate }}</th> <th>{{ 'LAST_EXECUTION' | translate }}</th> </thead> <tbody> <#list as item> <tr ui-sref="operationsAddEdit({id: ${} })"> <td class="text-center"> <#if item.enabled> <i class="text-success fa fa-circle fa-lg" uib-tooltip="{{ 'ENABLED' | translate }}"></i> <#else> <i class="text-danger fa fa-circle-o fa-lg" uib-tooltip="{{ 'DISABLED' | translate }}"></i> </#if> </td> <td>${}</td> <td>${(!}</td> <td ng-bind-html="'${(item.operationString)!}' | mcResourceRepresentation"></td> <td><span uib-tooltip="{{ ${(item.lastExecution?c)!"Never"} | date:mchelper.cfg.dateFormat:mchelper.cfg.timezone}}" tooltip-placement="left" am-time-ago="${(item.lastExecution?c)!"Never"}"></span></td> </tr> </#list> </tbody> </table>
To enable/disable list of operations:
Script bindings:
{options:{name:"operation-name", enable:false}}
Important: It is important to passScript bindings
when executing this script. In the binding you can include your operationname
to filter. Please note in Mycontroller all filters are working with case sensitive. In the name filed you can put any words where operation name contains.For example I want to enable or disable following operations,
my send email notification operation
notification: pushbullet
In the above names I have
word in common. So I can use this name in filter to get these operations exactly.To disable:
{options:{name:"notification", enable:false}}
To enable:
{options:{name:"notification", enable:true}}
var myImports = new JavaImporter(, java.lang, java.util); with(myImports) { var filters = new HashMap(); var names = new ArrayList(); names.add(; filters.put("orderBy", "name"); filters.put("order", "asc"); filters.put("pageLimit", new Long(10)); filters.put("name", names) //Get operations data var operations = mcApi.operation().getAll(filters); var operationIds = new ArrayList(); for(var count =0 ; count<;count++){ //You can do some filter here operationIds.add([count].id); } if(options.enable){ mcApi.operation().enableIds(operationIds); }else{ mcApi.operation().disableIds(operationIds); } }
SOURCE: refer this issue for complete details.