Getting V_FORECAST on a node from controller?
HI all!
I have been trying to get the V_FORECAST to another node (not the originating node). I have set up the payload forward in MyController, but I am having a problem getting it to work on the receiving node.
I have tried various variations on....
void receive(const MyMessage &message) { if (message.sensor == CHILD_ID_GETFORECAST && message.type == V_FORECAST){ FORECAST = (message.getInt()); }
including getByte and getString. But still I can't seem to get it to work.
So what is the correct way to get relayed V_FORECAST on a node?
@skywatch can you paste the screenshot of forward payload configuration?
@jkandasa Sure I can!
I think I have the wrong variable type to get V_FORECAST - Although I only need a byte or int with the index pointer of the current forecast (0-5).
When testing it with byte received I could send a raw message and it worked, so I guess it is not a byte or int that is sent to the controller and then on to the node?
@skywatch MyController sends payload as is.
Can you double check that, you have configured right sensor?
You may debug by adding a serial print line right aftervoid receive(const MyMessage &message) {
loop? -
@skywatch MyController sends payload as is.
I do not know what that is - is it an int? byte?string?
Can you double check that, you have configured right sensor?
Yes I have, I can send the receiving node a byte and the screen displays the correct value. I did this to test with action>send raw message and it was good.
You may debug by adding a serial print line right after
void receive(const MyMessage &message) {
loop?That's a thought for tomorrow.....thanks!
I do not know what that is - is it an int? byte?string?
MyController receives all the payload in String format and sends all the payload in String format.
From the gateway, MyController receives payload as String,
However, We have multiple functions in MySensors, based on your payload you can call a particular function, Getters for picking up payload on incoming messages char* getStream(char *buffer) const; char* getString(char *buffer) const; const char* getString() const; void* getCustom() const; uint8_t getByte() const; bool getBool() const; float getFloat() const; long getLong() const; unsigned long getULong() const; int getInt() const; unsigned int getUInt() const;
Can you check it in the resources page, do you receive data from the source node? You can enable
and check activities in resources log page. -
Thanks I got it to work!
The below is what I used as I cannot display the full message on a small oled and so I use abbreviations held in an array. Therefore I needed to get a value to act as a pointer to the message to display and the below did the trick! - Node finished!
void receive(const MyMessage &message) { if (message.sensor == CHILD_ID_GETFORECAST && message.type == V_FORECAST) { forecast = (message.getString()); if (forecast == "stable"){ Index = 0;} else if (forecast == "sunny"){ Index = 1;} else if (forecast == "cloudy"){ Index = 2;} else if (forecast == "unstable"){ Index = 3;} else if (forecast == "thunderstorm"){ Index = 4;} else if (forecast == "unknown"){ Index = 5;} }
@skywatch Just a quick update - ......
Keep the receive section clean - I took all the 'if' and 'elseif' out of receive and into the main loop - This is good practice. So now it looks like this......
// process incoming message void receive(const MyMessage &message) { if (message.sensor == CHILD_ID_GETFORECAST && message.type == V_FORECAST) { forecast = (message.getString()); NewForecast = 1; } }
The NewForecast is there to alert the main loop to a new incomming value to be tested and updated.