Manipulation and Various Returns
a return on manipulations, improvements can be ?
in Field Details
metric values - Duration / Interval / Function - are not kept
they come back to their base value
it's a bit boring, how to preserve them ?other questions : Add a Schedule
I'm going to test the schedule part of the programmed commands,
to test with a relay on an Arduino to fill in the fields of Add to Schedule
thank you very much
yes I am back
@jeelet field details metric base values are preserve in your browser cache. if you open it on the different browser, it will be default values again. and the values will not preserve for each field.
what type schedule do you want? Give some information about your use case, I try create a schedule for that
hello jkandasa
ah right, it's the browser caching for the settings.
as I regularly empty my cache (history and cookies) it's normal.for the schedules, as an example.
Relay to ON in the morning 8am and OFF at 10am
then ON 2pm and OFF 4pm.
from Monday to Thursday, for an Arduino with MySensors -
- create resource handler in handlers
- setup schedule
Setup resource handler
Equivalent yaml data
id: resource_handler description: Sends payload to resurces enabled: true labels: location: server type: resource
Setup schedule
- you can create schedule for your requirement two ways
- two schedules, one is to turn on the relay and the second is to turn off the relay
Method #1, two schedules
customVariableType: none id: relay_on description: relay ON schedule enabled: true type: cron spec: cronExpression: 0 0 8,14 * * MON,TUE,WED,THU handlerParameters: relay_01: >- {"type":"resource_by_quick_id","disabled":"false","data":"cmVzb3VyY2VUeXBlOiBmaWVsZApxdWlja0lkOiBteXNlbnNvci4xMy4xLlZfU1RBVFVTCnBheWxvYWQ6ICdvbicKcHJlRGVsYXk6IDBzCg=="} handlers: - resource_handler
schedule to turn OFF the relay, duplicate the above schedule with different name and update cron expression as
0 0 10,16 * * MON,TUE,WED,THU
, update the payload asoff
in the parameters to handler.
Method #2, single schedule
We can manage single schedule to
withpre delay
customVariableType: none id: relay_schedule description: handles on and off schedules enabled: true type: cron spec: cronExpression: 0 0 8,14 * * MON,TUE,WED,THU handlerParameters: relay_on: >- {"type":"resource_by_quick_id","disabled":"false","data":"cmVzb3VyY2VUeXBlOiBmaWVsZApxdWlja0lkOiBteXNlbnNvci4xMy4xLlZfU1RBVFVTCnBheWxvYWQ6ICdvbicKcHJlRGVsYXk6IDBzCg=="} relay_off: >- {"type":"resource_by_quick_id","disabled":"false","data":"cmVzb3VyY2VUeXBlOiBmaWVsZApxdWlja0lkOiBteXNlbnNvci4xMy4xLlZfU1RBVFVTCnBheWxvYWQ6ICdvZmYnCnByZURlbGF5OiAyaAo="} handlers: - resource_handler
turned on by schedule, as per pre delay, payload
will be executed after 2 hours (2h
)We have some documents for schedule:
let me know if something unclear
Thank you
bravo for the explanation, you are a school teacher?
not yet tested but cella must be impeccable, I finish a part of my CAN bus for the Gateway
( yes still part in all the directions)bybye
@jeelet no problem, take your time and let me know
No I am not a school teacher