ms_smart_sleeping_node MycontrollerV2
HI. happy new year everyone. I am testing Mycontrollerv2 on docker using Mysensors. I have a problem with Button for smart_sleeping_node sending to MQTT. How I can add or ON option for button for smart_sleeping in Mycontrollerv2 in older version v1 you can. I tried to find a guide for mycontrollerv2, but no results.
Please any hellpThank you
Darius -
Hi @derekangl, Happy new year!
I do not remember about sleeping node feature availability in v2
I could not get exactly, Can you post the screenshot from v1?
also post screenshot of the sleeping node from v2 (I wan to see the labels)? -
hi, thank you for responding.
In v2 listed in "others" and is there, in v1 is an option please see screenshots.
Thank you
@derekangl Thanks for the screenshot, I will look in to the code and let you know
@derekangl sleeping node feature is not fully implemented. I will work on this and let you know, when it is available. thanks for your patience!
Hi @derekangl I have added code to manage sleeping node in v2. But I have not tested. Can you please verify the status and let me know?
Code changes:
There is label will be added in to the sleeping node.
sleep_node = true
, if it is not added, you have to add this label manually