MyController via smartphone
I'm using MyController since two years now and it's running very stable. Thank you very much for this great software.
I wonder, if there's a way to better use MyController through smartphone device. The generated webpages are often too large (and buttons too small) to be used efficiently on smartphone.
is there a feature to have the pages be more smartphone friendly? or any other solution to optimise usage on smartphone (through specific applications)?
I thank you in advance !
@dr_pub Thank you for your support!
For now, there is no smartphone application or other workarounds (AFAIK).
Community member might have a workaround.I will try to address mobile app for 2.x release. For now, there is no timeline for 2.x release
A sort of API would be sufficient and one could create webpages for smartphone on another webserver, just extracting the data/images from mycontroller.
I have not had a look, but I imaging that this should not be such a deep change in the current software?
thanks !
@dr_pub Yes a sort of API is enough and we have APIs already.
We are going to restructure our MyControler completely in 2.x version,
So I do not want to invest much time with the mobile application for 1.x version
2.x version will come with the mobile application.