Unknown serial gateway port name (Windows 10)
I am trying to setup a MySensor network on MyController server using Windows 10. I have decided to start with a serial gateway since my NodeMCU ESP8266 gateway wouldn't connect to WiFi for some reason. This seemed easier to start. I have some experience with Arduino, but I a newbee for sure. I followed the assembly instrcutions for the serial gateway using the Arduino nano and NRF24 posted on MySensors by PeteB and linked here on YouTube (https://youtu.be/TBvGrB094Co), but I am not able to get it to connect. I have the unit connected to my Server computer via USB and I have compiled the sketch to the nano, but only get giberish in the serial monitor on Arduino IDE when I sent the sketch and am not able to get the MyController server to add the gateway. I go to add the gateway in my localhost and enter the settings shown in the screenshot below. I think the problem is with the port name, but I am not able to get the full or correct port name. It is on COM6 in Windows 10, but from what I have put together the "/dev/cu." portion is also needed. Any help in figuring out how to connect this serial gateway would be appreciated. thanks!!
@wint0178 Welcome to MyController world.
As you are starting your journey with MyController, I would recommend to you use MyController 2.x version.
1.x is not maintained anymore.Regards the serial port. I have not that frequently used windows. but my assumption is, default MySensors sketch baud rate is
, you can change this on your sketch, above mysensors.h header,#define MY_BAUD_RATE (57600ul)
or your preferred value. -
??? drivers ??
@jkandasa thank you for your feedback. I had considered starting with 2.x, but it seemed like it was not officially released yet since, last week when I looked into this for the first time, the MyController.org homepage went to v1.5 and had a note that it would be replaced by v2.x when it was launched. Or that's how I interpreted it anyway. Either way, I will work on moving to 2.x.
I can start a new topic on the new 2.x forum, but I'm curious how to pick which Server Setup Option to use.
I am working on creating a set of weather station networks for use in several separated communities in Ecuador. What I mean by separated is that that they are not near oneanother. Each community's weather station network will need to include numerous sensors, perhaps a dozen, and nodes along with replicate gateways to ensure it can continue to transmit data even when a gateway or node goes down.
I would love to have one master server in the United States that I manage locally (Windows or RaspPi), but am not sure if this is possible. If needed, I could install a RaspberryPi-based server in each community and it would have WiFi access and 120V power. Based on this description, can you recommend eitehr Server Setup otpion #1 or #2?
Ultimately, I need to give data access to the communities themselves through the dashboard and SMS or email notifications. I would also like to have remote access to the data, but this is slightly less critical.
@JeeLet my NodeMCU on Windows 10 is using the CP2102 driver since the CH341 driver did not work with the boards I have. Once I installed the CP2102 driver, the device manager immediately recognized the boards and was able to communicate with them.
@wint0178 Yes, 2.0.0 launched very recently