custom widget: send command to node
i have read the "widget - sensor custom buttons", "rgb controller", "custom widget" and "custom widget - dynamic images on dashboard" topics but did only get a hint on what to do.
what i have:
a custom widget with a nice, touch enabled color picker, which is working. which means:- can be displayed on the dashboard
- and is usable
- and javascript events are fired (currently logs a rgb hex value to browser console)
- using: iro.js
what i want:
- send the selected rgb hex value to a node
i saw a mention to create a custom angular controller and plug that into Utilities > HTML additional headers > AngularJS custom controllers.
can anyone provide an example of a angularjs controller to put there?i tried to use Utilities > Scripts like in the example "Custom widget" but the variables defined there do not seem to be accessible in the Templates. at least i was unable to use it to send a value to the node.
so... i am currently stuck.
is there any documentation (other than plowing through mycontrollers code) which describes how to add a custom widget which can send a value to a node generated in js? i know its possible to send a value using the Utilities > Scripts but this is rather static, as the script only runs during widget creation. which means it only runs on opening the dashboard and if i change the color-picker by touching/clicking it, i can not push the value to a node. -
@elgarfo Yes, It is possible to add your custom controller in
Utilities > HTML additional headers > AngularJS custom controllers
. can you share your current work, I can extend from there? -
@jkandasa, thanks for helping me out.
currently i have this as template:
<style type="text/css"> .wrap { color: #fff; background: #171F30; margin: 0 auto; display: flex; flex-direction: row; align-items: center; justify-content: center; } </style> <div class="wrap"> <div class="colorPicker"></div> </div> <script> var colorPicker = new iro.ColorPicker(".colorPicker", { width: 320, height: 320, color: {r: 255, g: 0, b: 0}, anticlockwise: true, borderWidth: 1, borderColor: "#fff", }); colorPicker.on("color:change", function(color) { console.log("hex: " + color.hexString); }); </script>
and this for the script:
var colorSensor = mcApi.uidTag().getByUid("hi-wz-rgb-1").getResource(); var uuid = mcApi.utils().getUUID();
i tried to copy the "Sensors" controller from github modify it to make for a "Sensors2" controller an pasted that into the "AngularJS custom controllers":
'use strict'; angular.module('adf.widget.myc-sen-vars2', []) .config(function(dashboardProvider){ dashboardProvider .widget('mycSenVars2', { title: 'Sensors2', description: 'Monitor and change sensors state', templateUrl: 'controllers/adf-widgets/adf-myc-sen-vars/view.html?mcv=${mc.gui.version}', controller: 'mycSenVarsController2', controllerAs: 'mycSenVars2', config: { variableIds:[], showIcon: true, itemsPerRow:"2", refreshTime:30, }, edit: { templateUrl: 'controllers/adf-widgets/adf-myc-sen-vars/edit.html?mcv=${mc.gui.version}', controller: 'mycSenVarsEditController2', controllerAs: 'mycSenVarsEdit2', } }); }) .controller('mycSenVarsController2', function($scope, $interval, config, mchelper, $filter, SensorsFactory, TypesFactory, CommonServices){ var mycSenVars2 = this; mycSenVars2.showLoading = true; mycSenVars2.isSyncing = true; mycSenVars2.variables = {}; $scope.tooltipEnabled = false; $scope.hideVariableName= !config.showIcon; $scope.cs = CommonServices; //HVAC heater options - HVAC flow state $scope.hvacOptionsFlowState = TypesFactory.getHvacOptionsFlowState(); //HVAC heater options - HVAC flow mode $scope.hvacOptionsFlowMode = TypesFactory.getHvacOptionsFlowMode(); //HVAC heater options - HVAC fan speed $scope.hvacOptionsFanSpeed = TypesFactory.getHvacOptionsFanSpeed(); //Defined variable types list $scope.definedVariableTypes = CommonServices.getSensorVariablesKnownList(); //update rgba color $scope.updateRgba = function(variable){ variable.value = CommonServices.rgba2hex(variable.rgba); $scope.updateVariable(variable); }; function loadVariables(){ mycSenVars2.isSyncing = true; SensorsFactory.getVariables({'ids':config.variableIds}, function(response){ mycSenVars2.variables = response; mycSenVars2.isSyncing = false; if(mycSenVars2.showLoading){ mycSenVars2.showLoading = false; } }); }; function updateVariables(){ if(mycSenVars2.isSyncing){ return; }else if(config.variableIds.length > 0){ loadVariables(); } } //load variables initially loadVariables(); //updateVariables(); //Update Variable / Send Payload $scope.updateVariable = function(variable){ SensorsFactory.updateVariable(variable, function(){ //update Success },function(error){ displayRestError.display(error); }); }; // refresh every second var promise = $interval(updateVariables, config.refreshTime*1000); // cancel interval on scope destroy $scope.$on('$destroy', function(){ $interval.cancel(promise); }); }).controller('mycSenVarsEditController2', function($scope, $interval, config, mchelper, $filter, TypesFactory, CommonServices){ var mycSenVarsEdit2 = this; mycSenVarsEdit2.cs = CommonServices; mycSenVarsEdit2.variables = TypesFactory.getSensorVariables(); });
but this does not show up at all in the dashboard.
that's why i am asking for a simple example for a custom angular controller as i am not too familiar with angular yet.
@jkandasa ok thats a little sad. but this will not stop me from trying
lets say i wanted to write a custom widget (lets also assume something simple like an html5 slider/range input)
<input id="slider1" type="range" min="0" max="100" /> <script type="text/javascript"> $('#slider1').on('change', function(e) { console.log('slider1 value: ' + $(this).val()); }); </script>
var stepperMotor = mcApi.uidTag().getByUid("hi-wz-blinds-1").getResource(); var uuid = mcApi.utils().getUUID();
as far as i can tell, this is a pretty basic example which does not rely on incompatible external libs. what do i need to add to which section to make this a widget with two-way binding?
all i am looking for is an example for a custom 2 way widget.
@elgarfo I do not know how to do with HTML 5. however I made a two-way widget with the angular slider.
- create HTML template with sensor variable id
- create dummy javascript to supply buildings
- add custom css and js files.
- add custom controller
- add dependency module in angular (workaround, I do not find a way to include new modules into the controller creation)
HTML template:
<div ng-controller="myCustomWidgetController" ng-init="${sId};loadVariable();"> <rzslider rz-slider-model="sVariable.value" rz-slider-options="slider.options"></rzslider> </div>
Dummy JavaScript:
// dummy script
CSS and JS file:
Custom controller:
myControllerModule.controller('myCustomWidgetController', function($scope, SensorsFactory){ $scope.sVariable = { id: null, value:null }; $scope.loadVariable = function(){ SensorsFactory.getVariable({id:$}, function(response){ if(response.value != undefined){ $scope.sVariable.value = parseInt(response.value); } }); } $scope.slider = { options: { floor: 0, ceil: 100, step: 1, minLimit: 0, maxLimit: 90, onEnd: function() { $scope.sendPayload($scope.sVariable); }, } }; // send payload $scope.sendPayload = function(sVariable){ SensorsFactory.updateVariable(sVariable, function(){ //update Success },function(error){ displayRestError.display(error); }); }; });
Workaround, add a module on the app level
File: mycontroller/www/app.js
Widget in dashboard
@jkandasa your support is outstanding
your example works good and i can use it to build a dashboard to my needs. thank you very very much.the reason it took me so long to respond is, that i needed to trace a startup error on my end:
[$injector:nomod] Module 'rzModule' is not available! You either misspelled the module name or forgot to load it. If registering a module ensure that you specify the dependencies as the second argument.
- dashboard not loading correctly ({{ variable }} everywhere, nothing works)
- angular throwing error about undefined module
- testing with dev-console on firefox
yielded no error. - rzslider.js was actually loaded
- firefox does not support
<link rel="import">
- the polyfill i pushed to github fb3d0d96 is working but:
- too late.
so the polyfill for the import-feature is working, as i am able to load the rzModule after the dashboard html loaded completely and angular tried to load.
but it is not working fast enough.i am currently trying to find a way to either delay angular startup until all imports are handled or to find a better way to include the
current workaround: put
<script src=""></script>
directly into index.html for firefoxEDIT:
html imports are also deprecated in chrome since v70 and will be removed with v73 which is only two versions from now (v71 as of this writing). see: chrome platform status -
@elgarfo If we change anything in our current implementation, can fix the issue in both firefox and chrome? Any idea?
@elgarfo Thank you for the PR
How can I download the latest SNAPSHOT with this PR?
Is this it? Https: // -
@wanvo Compiled and uploaded in SNAPSHOT location.
@jkandasa Thanx!
I checked this widget in Chrome and Firefox, it works great. -
I'm just testing out various examples to understand how things work, I'm getting
Failed at: ${sId} [in template "unknown" at line 1, column 69]
which I assume is from the first line of the html template, its not finding the angularjs custom controller ? I did modify app.js.
I'm pretty sure I've done all of the above to get the slider to appear on dashboard, but I must of missed something. I pasted the angularjs custom controller into the text field in HTML additional headers.
Any help
@RMF69 To myself... the script binding id mistyped {sId:2}... got the camel case wrong. Slider is now visible but I get 400 error... as I don't have the variable set up correctly which will get updated ? I've created a global variable "sVariable" but I don't think this is right. How do I get the value out of the slider when its value changes ?
@RMF69 Ok looking through code, I understand that its updating a sensor.variabel and that this id is passed in via the script binding {sId:31}... 31 is the id of a sensor S_LIGHT_LEVEL-PooledThread: Acme.Serve.Serve$ServeConnection@1415568e] [org.mycontroller.standalone.api.jaxrs.exception.mappers.ApplicationExceptionMapper:42] ApplicationException, org.jboss.resteasy.spi.ApplicationException: java.lang.NullPointerException
I'd love to understand what I've done wrong:)
@RMF69 Can you report your MyController version? and if you modified the script please report your script.
Thanks, I've got the latest, Version 1.5.0. And I've not changed anything, just the script binding {sId:31} where 31 is the id of a light dimmer virtual sensor... see picture. I took the ID from the url of that page in the picture below.
@RMF69 Click on the
icon on theLevel
variable and use theid
from the version 1.5, you no need to hardcode
. We have an option on UI to update angular modules.
@jkandasa Thanks for confirming that in 1.5, the hardcoding of rzModule in mycontroller/www/app.js isn't required. However if I remove rzModule then the slider widget isn't displayed.
Still I can't get the example to work...I've got the id from the place you mention, mine is still 31... I've also noticed that the intial value of the sensor->variable isn't populated. I created simple script to update the value
var myImports = new JavaImporter(java.lang, java.util, org.mycontroller.standalone.utils.McUtils); with(myImports) { dimSensor = mcApi.uidTag().getByUid("dimSensor").getResource(); var v = dimSensor.value; //value2/3 etc dimSensor.setValue(parseInt(v) + 1); mcApi.sensor().sendPayload(dimSensor); }
I insert the following code into "AngularJs custom controllers"
myControllerModule.controller('myCustomWidgetController', function($scope, SensorsFactory){ $scope.sVariable = { id: null, value:null }; $scope.loadVariable = function(){ SensorsFactory.getVariable({id:$}, function(response){ if(response.value != undefined){ $scope.sVariable.value = parseInt(response.value); } }); } $scope.slider = { options: { floor: 0, ceil: 100, step: 1, minLimit: 0, maxLimit: 90, onEnd: function() { $scope.sendPayload($scope.sVariable); }, } }; // send payload $scope.sendPayload = function(sVariable){ SensorsFactory.updateVariable(sVariable, function(){ //update Success },function(error){ displayRestError.display(error); }); }; });
Which is just the original example above, no changes... it seems to me that the pointer/reference to the variable I want to have connected to the slider is correct or working, both when the value is initialized on the loadVariable and when updated. But I just can't see what I've done wrong.
@RMF69 Do you see any error on the browser console and/or in MyController log file?