Great work as always JK - I have just updated with no issues at all!

Living in Southern UK - have pi3 running my controller with 12 pro mini nodes conntected to various rooms/equipment around the house.
Best posts made by skywatch
RE: MyController version "1.4.0.Final" released
Raspberry pi foundation drop 1Gb ram models....
As expected the raspberry pi foundation have announced that they are ceasing production of 1Gb raspberry pi models. The falling price of ram on the open market and demand from users for more ram both contriubted to this action.
Now the entry level pi comes with 2Gb ram and has also seen a £10.00 price reduction to under £35.00 in the UK.
RE: Your suggestions to choose naming for "sensor" and "variable"
@jkandasa I think that instead of 'sensor' you could use 'source' as all data has to come from somewhere!
Variable vould become 'value' or 'info' or 'data'.
Just my thoughts on an early Sunday morning!
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Just to wish all of you a happy holiday and good health in the new year!
2021 the year of MyController 2.0? - I can't wait
RE: Mycontroller 2.x ideas
Great news that version 2.0 is soon in progress!!
I would like to see a more user focused product with many more guages 'out of the box' and colour options to fully customise the web interface, individual graph colour options, and more drag and click to setup the windows in the dashboard.
I strongly suggest you go to the my sensors site and visit all the 'other' controller sites to seek inspiration to take your next version to the top!I think the automation rules/actions is far to annoying in its current state and a better way of getting something to happen based on conditions would be a bonus.
I'd prefer to keep the operations in one place on one page, that would help to start with!It would be nice if we could also have the ability to add a video window to the dashboard pages. I use motioneye as cctv controller and would love to easily be able to add cameras from this to the mycontroller pages. All cameras are pi+camera and motion pi runs on a pi3 next to the mycontroller pi. An option to have a 'pop-up' video window on motion detect would also be nice to have.
Ability for dark mode display on timer or light sensor. Good for night time usage and also powersaving.
Ability to add floorplans for bulidings and surrounding area (gardens, outbuildings) etc with sensor locations and sensor status shown on there. Would then see at a glance which security sensor has triggered the alarm on the plan.
Ability to add photos similar to the above. Then taping or clicking on (for example) the lamp in the photo of the room would control that item.
Built in voice control - but probably a step too far for a controller, but maybe the ability to interface with another pi running voice recognition. This is very low on the list though.
Full support for 'ack' messages and better debugging of the system. Maybe some form of test page where each sensor can be interrogated and report back the result?
An automated installer! - I think that setting this all up puts a lot of people off even trying it,which is a shame. Add to that an updater script. These two things alone would improve usability to those who are put off by the current process!
Battery level graph on the dashboard. A must really.
Ability to zoom and pan the graphs within the dashboard environment. Would be probably more use on tablets, but with mouse would also work.
Easy implementation of min/max values and reporting.
Easy support for 'multi use' sensors. E.g. A motion sensor in my kitchen has various modes. Armed = send alarm on detection. Perimeter= Turn on kitchen lights on motion detection and leave on until no motion detceted for x minutes, but only if it is dark enough (that info is from another sensor). Off = Do nothing on sensor detection. Currently it is a pain to get this type of thing working.... which gives me the idae to be able to create a rule and then use that rule as a template for the next sensor/actuator by copying and changing the node/sensor/automation to suit, that would speed up setting things up!
I hope this will give you some thoughts to making an even better mycontroller in 2018!.......
Thank you for making and sharing mycontroller and making this all possible in the first place - Your support and talent is amazing!
Thank you!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year !!!
Just to wish those who celebrate it a Happy Christmas and of course a Happy New Year to you all!
RE: How to display pi properties?
Hoorah !!!! - It is working now !!!!
Thank you so much for your kind support and time today. Whilst I have only been running this for a week or so I have learnt a lot in the process. But don't worry, I will soon be back with more questions!
RE: Dirty upgrade - for advanced users. [NOT RECOMMENDED ;) ]
typo in 4th command - missing 'o'
RE: MyController 2.0 is ready for testing
@jkandasa I'm in for a new version!!!
Latest posts made by skywatch
RE: Remote access to MCv2 Dashboard
@wint0178 FWIW I run a local wireguard server on a pi (docker image) - works well and simple to set up! - As a bonus you get to all your local lan devices and service securely.
Raspberry Pi 5 announced
Raspberry pi 5 has been unveiled and is now available to pre-order.
arduino IDE 2.2.1 available
I just noticed that a new arduino IDE was available and thought you guys and gals might like to know too...
RE: Backup Config
@JeeLet said in Backup Config:
1 : the cycles of backup program overwrites the old backups ? or it is incremented ?
Each backup is a full snapshot of MC. Each is written individually. You can choose how many backups you want to keep to save disk space. In the example above it is 8 backups shown in the "Retention count" option.
So if you backup daily you will always have the last 8 days snapshots available. If you backup hourly you will have the last 8 hours available.
Hope that is clear for you!
2 : for the restoration, example.
---- installs new-----
- a new blank installation of myC- copy and create the directory /opt/backups/ with the backup in it, then launch : Settings-->Backup Restore
This restores the entire MC snapshot with all the settings and data preserved.
RE: Webcam and MyController
@jkandasa While looking at this it would be nice to be able to overlay basic pan/tilt/zoom controls over the image (or on the page if the video is windowed) - also sensor data like motion sensors too....
I use motioneye for cameras as they are motion triggered and have editable exclude masks for trees etc that constantly trigger in the wind. If you want to test an idea to get motioneye feeds working too I can try it out.
RE: miscellaneous question
your issue could be in a number of places but if it helps for the BH1750 sensor I use V_LEVEL and S_LIGHT_LEVEL
MC does not need to know what the units are as you can change this to whatever you want.
RE: miscellaneous question
@JeeLet said in miscellaneous question:
So I test and test, I add and remove regularly nodes and gateway, MyC and put to the test, but it holds good
Well, today I had to start over on a clean beach, a clean reinstall, the ghost nodes did not want to leaveafter 2 hours still nothing on the node55 (test reset reboot)
I reloaded the sketch and MyC recognized the 55!I have had 'ghost nodes' in MC ver 1.6.0 - These are nodes showing in the list that do not exist in real life. I am hoping that a new SSD sata to USB adapter has cured this for me. Note I also went from 2 gateways back to one. Even with external power supply there was still an issue on booting with both gateways attached.
If you are testing a lot of things please remember to use the mysensors 'clear eeprom' before reusing a node or gateway, it can cause issues if previous data stored in there (like routing table) are not removed before re-flashing. Maybe you already do this, but is worth mentioning anyway.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year !!!
Just to wish those who celebrate it a Happy Christmas and of course a Happy New Year to you all!
Arduino 1.8.19 available
Now available for download on the arduino web site.....
PuTTY 0.76 released.
New version of ssh client/server for x64 x86 and arm is now available.